The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)
Final Project Evaluation – Enhancing the Competitiveness of Smallholder Rice Farmers (ECSR) Project

The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a private, non-denominational, international development agency promoting creative and effective solutions to selected problems that impede social and economic development in parts of Africa and Asia. AKF implements innovative, community-driven solutions that are based in decades of experience, learning and evaluation. AKF-Tanzania is part of the AKF-East Africa regional structure that supports programmes in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. Established in 1992 In Tanzania, AKF is managing a robust and expanding portfolio of multi-sectorial initiatives that includes programmes in inclusive economic development, health, nutrition, early childhood development, education and civil society strengthening. AKF operations are currently being carried out in Dar-es-salaam, Lindi, Mwanza, Morogoro and Zanzibar.

The Aga Khan Foundation Tanzania is looking for a highly qualified, registered, and experienced consultant to conduct a final evaluation of the ECSR Project based in Ifakara, Morogoro

Project Overview

The Aga Khan Foundation Tanzania in partnership with the Rice Council of Tanzania (RCT) implemented a four-year project from January 2018 to July 2021, aimed at improving the competitiveness of the smallholder rice sub-sector in Morogoro Region. The objective of this project was to increase the competitiveness of the rice sub-sector by improving efficiencies in post-harvest handling among smallholder farmers and value chain actor in Kilombero, Ulanga and Malinyi districts. By achieving this, the ECSR project would contribute to the economic development goal of the SAGCOT initiative by enhancing benefits for smallholder farmers and value chain actors working in the rice sector in Morogoro region. The ECSR Project was funded by the European Commission (EU).

The main activities undertaken to achieve the above results were; training farmers’ groups on improved harvesting and post-harvest handling; facilitating value chain actors to provide key post-harvest services; facilitating access to finance for value chain actors through public schemes, financial institutions and mobile money; and organizing joint efforts with farmers associations to rehabilitate/repair storage facilities as well as train selected private storage service providers on professional management of storage facilities.

The project covered at least 23 wards and 50 villages in the three districts of Malinyi, Ulanga and Kilombero. A total of 213 rice farmer groups with 5,403 members (3,630 males; 1,773 females) directly benefited from trainings in post-harvest management and Farming as a Business. The project also worked with 6 irrigation schemes with 1,783 members and 7 farmers associations with 807 members in advocacy issues, access to finance and market linkage. Furthermore, a total of 109 (96 males, 13 females) micro/small/medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the rice value chain, including ago-dealers, traders, millers, and providers of mechanized post-harvest services were trained on good business practices while 157 warehouse owners were trained on professional warehouse management. On the other hand, through the co – financing program the project supported 10 rice millers to modernize their milling machines and upgrading 15 warehouse facilities.

Scope of the Final Evaluation
Objectives of the Evaluation

The final evaluation is expected to provide detailed responses to the following six key objectives:
  • Assess whether the project activities were relevant and responds to the needs of the smallholder farmers and value chain actors in the rice sub-sector in Morogoro region.
  • Establish how effectively and efficiently the project activities were implemented.
  • Determine the extent to which the ECSR project achieved its specific and overall objectives, thereby contributing the development goal as assessed using pre­determined project indicators and targets.
  • Document unintended outcomes, both positive and negative, to the targeted and untargeted beneficiaries (spillover effects)
  • Establish whether the actual results achieved so far are sustainable beyond the project timeframe.
  • Provide context-relevant recommendations on evaluation findings, best practices, approaches, and strategies for future programming in Post-Harvest Management among Smallholder farmers.

To inform future programming in Agriculture, Food Security and Economic Inclusion, this evaluation, in addition to the six objectives will be expected to provide information on the following AKF Global Outcome Indicator.

Agriculture Food Security Indicators
  • % of smallholder farming households with positive asset variation
  • Average length of smallholder farming household’s lean season
  • Hectares of land under improved management
  • Hectares of land under irrigation
  • % of smallholder farmers who are active members of a natural resource management organization.
  • Number of people using infrastructure constructed by AKF or partners.

Economic Inclusion Indicators

  • Number of individuals with improved access to markets and services
  • Number of enterprises/enterprise groups reached.
  • Number of people employed in AKF supported enterprises/enterprise groups.
  • Number of users of financial services provided by community managed entities/ commercial financial providers supported by AKF.

Geographical Coverage
The ECSR Project covered at total of 23 wards and 50 villages in three districts: Kilombero, Malinyi and Ulanga. The total number of beneficiaries in each of the district is given in table 1 below ease of reference.

Table 1: Distribution of Project beneficiaries across the districts
District Wards Village Farmers
Groups Farmers MSMEs Male Female Total Male Female Total Kilombero 11 17 82 611 1,365 1,976 31 8 39 Malinyi 6 18 70 785 1,475 2,260 39 3 42 Ulanqa 8 15 61 377 790 1,167 26 2 28 Total 23 50 213 1,773 3,630 5,403 96 13 109

Aligning with the objectives and the characteristics of beneficiaries, the consultant will determine the best methodology and methods for the study. The Aga Khan Foundation team will provide inputs, during inception meetings and while reviewing submitted documents. It is, however, recommended that this assignment will be best achieved using participatory research and evaluation methodologies. The consultant will carry out the following activities for the evaluation:
  • Undertake a critical review of relevant literature, including among others, a review of project documents, reports, and data to familiarize himself with the subject, context, stakeholders, Theory of Change, Project Activities, and their Outcomes.
  • Develop data collection tools, methods, and field protocols to ensure that relevant data will be accurately and coherently collected from relevant sources.
  • Securing ethical clearance and research permission from all relevant authorities as may be relevant to the context of this study.
  • Plan and conduct fieldwork activities in liaison with the project team for logistical support, to collect quantitative and qualitative data from project beneficiaries, partners, and stakeholders for the purpose of this evaluation.
  • Analyze data and produce high quality reports, in line with global standard practices in report writing.
  • The consultant will work in close collaboration with the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) team in
  • Tanzania, under close guidance of the Country MERL Manager in collaboration with Project

Manager and M&E officer.
Key Deliverables
Below is a list of expected key deliverables from the consultants for the given assignments.
  • A detailed Inception Report, clearly indicating their understanding of the assignments, contextual literature review, sampling methodology, data collection methods, Data analysis Plan and Reporting guidelines. The draft inception report must be submitted to AKF for review and approval at least 10 working days prior to the commencement of the field work.
  • Data Quality Assurance Plan and research Clearance from responsible authorities.
  • A detailed budget and work plan with specific dates and duration.
  • Presentation of preliminary findings to the AKF Team within five days after completing fieldwork.
  • Draft report to be submitted to AKF in soft copy by 25th July 2021 for review.
  • Final Evaluation Report to AKF in both soft and hard copies by 30th July 2021.
  • A summary of key findings and recommendations to be presented to a Stakeholders’ Workshop in (August/September).
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Minimum Requirements for the Consultant
  • Consultants is expected to have an in-depth knowledge and experience in a wide range of on evaluations methods, particularly in donor funded development projects of similar scope and focus. The consultant may be an individual person, a team of individuals or a firm, with the following minimum requirements.
  • He/she must have at least Master’s Degree in relevant field preferably in agriculture, agricultural economics, statistics, or related field (lead consultant)- PhD will be an added advantage.
  • Extensive experience (at least 5-10 years) in conducting the same or similar studies in Tanzania/EA for agricultural/food security projects focusing on smallholder farmers, MSMEs, value chain development, including work in grain value chains i.e., rice, maize, pulses, etc.
  • Knowledge of harvest and post-harvest practices of cereals, warehouse management of cereals, and input supply a plus.
  • Ability to write high quality, research reports in English.
  • Excellent written and spoken communication skills in English and Kiswahili.
  • Strong knowledge of Tanzanian culture and context
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Application Procedures

All interested applicants must submit the following documents in a folder, to Aga Khan Foundation Tanzania through email to akftzprocurement@akfea.org

Cc: fransisca.nomboaakdn.org by Thursday June 17th, 2021. Please mention the title of the consultancy in your email subject.
A detailed technical proposal describing their understanding of the assignment, research questions, study design and methods and a work plan with timelines.

A detailed financial proposal indicating all expenses associated to task and professional fees.
The applicants’ relevant experience on similar assignments clearly outlining their relevant experience in studies related to the subject, including competencies in qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis, and reporting. If a team of consultants are making a submission, CVs for each member of the team should be included.

For a consultancy firm, copies of relevant legal documents mandating existence and operations such Registration Certificates, Business license and Tax Certificates will be required.
Two samples of relevant previous work demonstrating both technical and theoretical competency undertaking project evaluation of similar nature.

Applications without all relevant documents will not be considered. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
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