Fauna & Flora International
Job in Tanzania 2021: New Job Vacancies at Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) 2021


Environmental and Social Assessment Consultancy, Pemba Channel at Fauna & Flora International August, 2021
Fauna & Flora International

Fauna & Flora International (FFI) protects threatened species and ecosystems worldwide, choosing solutions that are sustainable, based on sound science and take account of human needs. Operating in more than 40 countries worldwide, mainly in the developing world, FFI saves species from extinction and habitats from destruction, whilst improving the livelihoods of local people. Founded in 1903, FFI is the world’s longest established international conservation body and a registered charity.

Africa Programme
Working closely with local partners, FFI currently operates in 12 countries in West, Central, East and Southern Africa, and is implementing a range of projects focused on species and habitat conservation, biodiversity planning, protected area management, institutional development and capacity building, sustainable use and community-focused wildlife management initiatives.

Pemba Marine Project
The only oceanic Island on the East African coast, Pemba Island and Pemba channel separating it from the continent, host some of the richest marine biodiversity in Tanzania and the East African coast including extensive reefs and mangroves, and species such as turtles, dolphins, dugongs and migrating whales. It is also one of the main sources of subsistence and income for its impoverished communities who have been relatively marginalised from economic development and who have witnessed reduced fish catches due to overexploitation, lack of effective regulations and damaging fishing practices.

In 2005, the Zanzibar Government gazetted the Pemba Channel Conservation Area (PECCA), located on the west of Pemba Island, and covering a total of 826 km2, making it one of the largest MPA in Tanzania. PECCA is a multiple use area, where certain fishing gears are permitted, and parts of the area around Misali Island are no-take-zones.

On the coast of Tanga region, on the Western side of Pemba Channel, the Tanga Coelacanth Marine Park (TCMP, gazetted in 2009 and covering 552 km2 in the South of Tanga) and Tanga Marine Reserves System (TMRS), mostly between Tanga (city) and the Kenyan border, encompasses four island reserves of Kirui, Mwewe, Kwale, and Ulenge. These form a coherent ecological system lying along the coastline comprising a diverse mosaic of coastal and marine habitats ranging from fringing coral reefs, seagrass beds and an almost continuous strip of mangrove forest. Both coastlines harbour productive fisheries on which a majority of the coastal communities depend, as well diverse reef habitats with strong resilience against the impacts of climate change. Historically, fishers from Pemba and Tanga communities have traveled freely, fishing (and occasionally camping) on both sides of the channel; the project area therefore represents part of a dynamic very much linked socio-ecological system.

FFI has worked in partnership with Mwambao since 2014 to support the effective management of PECCA and to implement measures that improve reef ecosystem health, improve sustainability of key fisheries, improve local wellbeing through inclusion of fishers into their fishing ground management and provide opportunities to engage into other livelihood activities. Mwambao is also already working in Tanga Region outside of the partnership with FFI, supporting several types of community-centred activities aiming to improve natural resource management.

The Opportunity
FFI and Mwambao are currently developing a multi-million Euro, 5-year proposal to the Blue Action Fund. The planned proposal will build upon work to date in PECCA, expanding the target area and communities engaged with, and expanding geographical scope of the area to include the a part of Tanga region of mainland Tanzania, which is situated across the channel from Pemba Island.

FFI is seeking an experienced consultant to carry out a detailed environmental and social assessment (ESA) as part of development for the upcoming proposal. The ESA will cover both the existing work in Pemba Island, and the planned expansion to a new geographical scope to include further communities on Pemba island and mainland Tanzania, Tanga region coast.

The consultant will work closely with key staff from the project’s implementing partner Mwambao, based in Zanzibar, as well as remotely engaging with key FFI project staff based in the UK on a regular basis.

Terms and Conditions
Start Date:
Duration of Contract: ~32 days in total [September – November 2021]
Total consultancy fees: $500/day for a total of $16000 (with-holding taxes to be deducted)
Expenses Payable: Overnight expenses for 20 days will be allowed at a set rate; Domestic flights and local travel will be covered (fixed budget available)
Location: Tanga region, Tanzania and Zanzibar archipelago.

Consultancy Description
Consultancy Title: Environmental and Social Assessment consultancy, Pemba Channel
Reporting to: Programme Manager, Marine, Africa
Tasks: Complete a comprehensive, rigorous and precise Environmental and Social Assessment for the proposed Blue Action project in Pemba Island and mainland Tanzania, using the ESA template provided (developed by Blue Action Fund) to guide the methodology followed and format of required outputs.

The process to complete the ESA should involve completion of the following deliverables using methodology detailed below, with outputs entered into relevant sections of the ESA template provided.
  • Review project information provided by project team, together with completion of any further research as necessary, to produce a comprehensive summary of the project.
  • Review the list of planned project activities and results from the project screening questionnaire (completed already by project team) to identify those activities that require an ESA, and propose solutions to address the risks those activities pose or potential alternative activities considered that lead to a final project design.
  • Research and provide a list of all permits (including international treaties to which Tanzania is a party) required to enable the project team to legally carry out the project and all planned activities, and work with the project team to understand their current progress towards obtaining all required permits as necessary.

This will in particular include ensuring with the relevant authorities in mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar if the project will require do write an Environment Impact Assessment or not.
  • Compile a list of all sources of information used and generated during the ESA process to establish the baseline conditions (creating a folder of resources), ensuring the citation of sources of information gathered when completing other sections of the ESA template.
  • Carry out a baseline review of the specific project area as defined above, drawing on sources of background information provided by the project team as well as supplementing with further research as required. Provide specific information regarding the project area at a high level of detail, ideally with quantitative information, covering the following areas:
• Physical environment including key landscape/seascape features, ecosystem types, climate and meteorology and natural resources with economic value
• Biological environment including biodiversity present, and habitat and species considered fragile or needing special consideration (such as mangroves, seagrass, coral reef and endangered and threatened species)
• Human, socio-economic and cultural environment including information on population, social infrastructure, economic activities, livelihoods, places of interest and historical or cultural importance, conflicts and challenges and other projects with the potential to influence, or be influenced by, the planned work.
• Acquisition of land, including at least previous site use, land use and conversion, land status, land ownership and total land use. Land agreements should be documented and in cases of public land acquisition, compensation issues recorded (where possible).

o In the case of no land acquisition, this should be confirmed briefly as part of the baseline review
  • Review the drafted Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) prepared by the project team and demonstrate how engagement with all identified stakeholders has been undertaken during the ESA process, and prepare a first draft of a Grievance Mechanism and of a Health & Safety plan to be included in the SEP.
  • Carry out a comprehensive impact assessment on all identified relevant topics during baseline description, using the below methodology:
  • Impact assessment: to determine if the project and the associated activities could potentially impact the resources/receptors, to evaluate the significance of the predicted impacts by considering their magnitude and likelihood of occurrence, the sensitivity, value and/or importance of the affected resource/receptor. Transboundary and cumulative impacts should be identified during this stage (if any).
  • Mitigation and enhancement: to identify appropriate and justified measures to mitigate negative impacts and enhance positive impacts.
  • Residual impact evaluation: to evaluate the significance of impacts assuming effective implementation of mitigation and enhancement measures.
  • Develop a project-specific Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) using the template provided, identifying a mitigation measure for each topic needing to be addressed, together with means of verification and procedure for monitoring process. Work with project staff to assign responsibility for each topic to a key project staff member.
Read Also:

Tender assessment criteria
The tender will be assessed against the criteria detailed below; please provide evidence of skills and experience in the following areas:
Assessment criteria

· High standard of written English
· Fluent spoken and written English, fluent spoken/written Swahili desirable; ability/experience to work with an interpreter
· Excellent written and oral communication skills, with a range of project team members and in international donor liaison
· Excellent work-planning and time management skills

Knowledge and experience
· Experience completing rigorous environmental and social impact assessments to a high standard
· Understanding of importance and role of ESA/ESIAs in the preparation and implementation of marine conservation projects
· Knowledge of/experience with World Bank Environmental and Social Standards (WB ESS), on which the deliverables should base
· Experience in consulting and working with a wide range of stakeholders including local community groups, authorities of diverse levels, in planning and conducting meetings and workshops, and using different methods of rapid assessments
· Awareness of, and respect for, cultural sensitivities and traditions
· Project implementation experience preferably in a marine conservation/resource management sector
· Previous work experience on the East Coast of Africa or Western Indian Ocean desirable

Behavioural qualities
· Demonstrates rigour, diligence and attention to detail in approach to work
· Self-motivated, highly organised, output driven and able to work under own initiative
· Flexible and adaptable in uncertain and changeable work situations, with capacity to deal with challenges in a patient, creative, positive and constructive manner
· Able to build and maintain positive personal and organisational relationships
· Able to work effectively and diplomatically in a geographically dispersed and international team
· Culturally sensitive approach
· Appropriate approach with government authorities
· Ability to work in sometimes uncomfortable physical working conditions

· Entitlement to conduct the work described above in Tanzania
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Tender Process and Timeline
The tendering process will be as follows:
Request for tender documents issued – 6 August 2021
Tenders returned to FFI – 27 August 2021
Documents required:
a) CV
b) Summary of skills and experience in relation to deliverables
c) Example of previous similar work such as an ESA
d) Detailed methodology and timeline proposed for the work
Shortlisted tenderers notified and invited to attend interview – 3 September 2021
Notification of successful tenderer – 10 September 2021
Contracting process/negotiation (depending on method chosen) – 15 September 2021
FFI reserves the right to change its decision of successful tenderer if the negotiation/finalisation of contract is prolonged.
FFI reserves the right to discontinue the tender process at any time prior to contract signing.

How to apply
Expression of Interest

Expressions of interest for tender (to include proposed methodology and timeline), consisting of a statement of interest relating your experience and skills to the consultancy deliverables, a full CV, example of previous similar work such as an ESA (sensitive information can be redacted as needed) should be submitted via email to: africajobs@fauna-flora.org

Please mark your tender ‘Consultant: ESA Pemba Channel’ and indicate where you saw the request for tender advertised.
The closing date for expressions of interest is 27th August 2021
If you do not hear from us within two weeks of the closing date, please assume that your tender has not been selected.
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