Jobs in Tanzania 2020: New Job Opportunities at UNDP Tanzania, 2020
Consultant to provide capacity building to agricultural marketing cooperatives in Kigoma region
Advertised on behalf of
Location : Home-based, TANZANIA
Type of Contract : Individual Contract
Post Level : National Consultant
Languages Required : English
Starting Date : (date when the selected candidate is expected to start) 24-May-2021
Duration of Initial Contract : 120 days, spread over 12 months
Expected Duration of Assignment : 120 days, spread over 12 months

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.


United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is the UN’s capital investment agency for the world’s 47 least developed countries (LDCs). With its capital mandate and instruments, UNCDF offers “last mile” finance models that unlock public and private resources, especially at the domestic level, to reduce poverty and support local economic development.

Local Finance Initiative (LFI) is one among several programmes being implemented by United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) in Tanzania and other countries with the aim of unlocking domestic capital markets to invest in local development. LFI supports commercially viable economic infrastructure projects with transformational impact in local communities. These projects are either sponsored/owned by private investor(s) or/and Local Government Authorities (LGAs) such as district and town councils, municipals, and cities.

Between 2019 and 2020, UNCDF under the Kigoma Joint Programme (KJP) supported the district councils of Kakonko, Kibondo and Kasulu in Kigoma region to establish crop aggregation centres. Specifically, UNCDF financed the construction of 1 aggregation centre in each of the 3 districts, and the formation of 3 agricultural marketing cooperatives (AMCOs) around the aggregation centres. The agricultural marketing cooperatives will be responsible for the day to day operations of the centres. It is expected that the AMCOs will enable small-holder farmers/members to attain improved crop prices through collective bargaining; improve their productivity through access to extension services; and enhances their competitiveness by reducing the transaction costs of off-takers who purchase in bulk from the centres.

UNCDF is seeking a consultant to support the operationalization of the 3 AMCOs, while providing on-the-job training to the various committees of the AMCOs. The consultancy will be based on the scope of work outlined below.

Duties and Responsibilities

To ensure effective operationalization and functioning of the AMCOs, UNCDF is seeking a consultant who will provide the following services:

Scope of Work
  • Working under the direct supervision of the UNCDF technical team in Tanzania, and in collaboration with the cooperative’s officers of the respective LGAs, the Consultant will be required to provide the following services:
  • Developing a procedure manual that covers the following areas:
- Post -harvest technology, safe near-farm cereal storage and handling to aggregation centres
- Procedures for testing of grain, cereals and other applicable products before storage i.e. threshing and testing to ensure quality and avoids waste
- Access to agriculture inputs, collective borrowing, individual credit i.e. guarantee mechanisms for member owned AMCOS-SACCOS, microfinance and commercial bank borrowing
- Collective marketing policies and procedures, price bargaining, warehouse receipt management etc
- Accounting and financial procedure depending on the specific needs of each AMCOS. An accounting manual contains pertinent accounting rules and other information for a business or organization. It is a manual that is internally developed and contains information specific to the organization for which it was developed.
  • Developing all key operational documents. These documents include invoices, receipt books, membership and store ledgers, store receiving and issuing/delivery books and stocks movement report books.
  • Developing and putting into operation, a simple and effective book-keeping/accounting system and an inventory management system.
  • Training AMCOs on the procedure manuals.
  • Training AMCOs on keeping detailed, accurate and up to date financial records and inventory records.
  • Training AMCOs on preparation of annual operational plans and implementation of the workplans.
  • Working with UNCDF’s partners under the KJP to identify potential buyers, inputs suppliers and financial services providers and linking the members to the buyers and suppliers.
  • Training members on negotiating skills for engaging and entering into contracts with buyers, inputs suppliers and financial services providers.
  • Training members on management of contracts and ensuring members adhere to the requirements stipulated in contracts.
  • Where applicable, the consultant will be required to liaise with AMCOs management and UNCDF on acquisition of the basic operational equipment for the aggregation centres such as weighing scales, pallets, moisture meters, fire extinguishers, and more.

  • Procedure manual covering areas listed under item 1 under scope of services
  • Templates for key operational documents which include the annual operational plans, invoices, receipt books, membership and store ledgers, store receiving and issuing/delivery books.
  • Detailed write-ups/guidelines for the book-keeping/accounting system and the inventory management system.
  • A template for financial records containing income from membership fees and other sources, and expenses related to AMCOs operations.
  • A template for inventory/stock movement showing quantity of stock at the beginning of a month, any purchases/sales, and at the quantity of stock at the end of the month. The inventory records should also classify the stock based on type of crop and total weight.
  • A training programme for the AMCOs members covering items 3-9 under scope of services.
  • Training report with respect to the approved training programme.
  • Final report at the end of the assignment documenting lessons learnt, challenges, and recommendation for improvement.

Payments will be made to the consultant based on deliverables/output as per the payment terms described below, and after submission of invoices to UNCDF. All outputs shall be subject to written final acceptance by the Chief Technical Advisor of UNCDF and subsequent authorization to disburse the payment.

Payment Terms

Milestone 1 (20%): Final workplan and training programme (indicated as deliverable 6 above), to be submitted within 30 days of signing the contract;
Milestone 2 (30%): Procedure manual (referred to as deliverable 1), write-ups/guidelines and templates (deliverables 2-5), to be submitted within 3 months from contract signing;
MIlestone 3 (40%): Presentation to UNCDF on the implementation by AMCOs of (i) annual operating plans, (ii) book-keeping/accounting system, and the inventory management system; (iii) and training report (deliverable 7), due within 9 months from contract signing.
Milestone 4 (10%): Fina report (deliverable 8), due within 12 months from contrat signing
Payments will be subject to review, acceptance/approval of deliverables by UNCDF.

The Consultant will be required to travel to Kasulu, Kibondo and Kakonko districts in Kigoma. The maximum number of travel days for this assignment shall not exceed 108 days. The applicant will have to provide estimates for travel costs as part of the financial proposal.

The travel costs associated with the assignment will be paid by UNCDF based on UNDP/UNCDF rules and regulations which states that consultants shall only be paid the most direct and most economical ticket, as will be quoted by the official UN travel agency. Any amount in excess of the said quotation, such as class and airline preference of the consultant, shall be borne by the consultant. Lodging and terminal expenses shall not exceed those allowed within UNCDF policy.

Functional and technical competencies include:

  • Project management and planning skills
  • Communication, consultation and presentation skills (including ability to manage social development dialogue processes)
  • Team management skills
  • Demonstrated knowledge of research and analytical capacity
  • Rural development and finance experience

Required Skills and Experience
Education (Mandatory):

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Cooperatives Management/development, Community Development Commerce, Business Administration, Rural financing, Entrepreneurship, Agriculture, Agribusiness, Agriculture Economics or any relevant field.
Read Also:

  • Demonstrated experience of at least 5 years in providing organizational capacity development for small-holder farmer organizations e.g. developing guidelines, providing capacity building, financial management and advisory service etc. (mandatory).
  • Experience working with small-holder farmer organizations in addressing access to finance and access to markets/providing market linkages.
  • Specific experience over the past 5 years in establishing small-holder farmer organizations including AMCOs and SACCOS in Tanzania (mandatory).
  • Experience working with development partners in delivering similar assignments to the one being advertised

Application Procedure

All the required documents should be attached and submitted with your proposal. These are:
  • 1 – page cover letter indicating prior experience/motivation.
  • Technical proposal which must contain: 1) an inception report outlining the proposed methodology, approach and workplan on how this assignment will be executed (including timelines and activities); 2) a Recent detailed CV of the consultant showing experience of similar work performed and contact persons 3) 3 professional references.
  • Confirmation of interest and Financial proposal using the provided template. On the first page of the provided template, indicate the total Lumpsum amount to undertake the work. The template can be downloaded from: https://procurement-notices.undp.org/view_notice.cfm?notice_id=53304
  • The financial proposal covering the total lumpsum amount to undertake the work and other applicable expenses shall be quoted in USD.
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Evaluation and Selection Process:

Offers received will be evaluated using a Combined Scoring method, where technical will be weighted 70%, and financial offer will be weighted at 30%.

Step 1: Step I: Longlisting
Applications will be screened and only applicants meeting the following minimum criteria will be shortlisted:
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Cooperatives Management/development, Commerce, Business Administration, Rural financing, Entrepreneurship, Agriculture, Agribusiness, Agriculture Economics or any relevant field.
  • Demonstrated experience of at least 5 years in providing organizational capacity development for small-holder farmer organizations e.g. developing guidelines, providing capacity building, financial management and advisory services etc.(mandatory).
  • Experience working with small-holder farmer organizations in addressing access to finance and access to markets/providing market linkages.
  • Specific experience over the past 5 years in establishing small-holder farmer organizations including AMCOs and SACCOS in Tanzania (mandatory).
  • Experience working with development partners in delivering similar assignments to the one being advertised.

Step II: Shortlisting - Part A:
Technical Review of CVs by Desk Review - 60% of technical evaluation
UNCDF will conduct a desk review to produce a shortlist of candidates by evaluating the following criteria with the corresponding points (100 points):
1. Proposed methodology, approach, and work plan to meet the requirements of the TOR: 20 points
2. Specific experience over the past 5 years in establishing small-holder farmer organizations including AMCOs and SACCOs in Tanzania: 30 points
3. Demonstrated experience of at least 5 years in providing organizational capacity development for small-holder farmer organizations including AMCOs and SACCOs in Tanzania: 30 points
4. Experience working with small-holder farmer organizations in addressing access to finance and access to markets/providing market linkages: 10 points
5. Experience in working with development partners: 10 points
Only the top 3-4 ranked applicants achieving minimum 70 points and above shall be invited for an interview.

Step II Part B Technical Interviews - 40% of technical evaluation score
A competency-based interview shall be conducted for all the candidates who obtained 70% in Step II Part A (Technical Review of CVs by Desk Review).

Step III: Financial Proposal Evaluation
Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70% on the combined total of Steps II Parts A and B will be considered as technically qualified and will be reviewed further for financial evaluation.
The following formula will be used to evaluate financial proposal: lowest priced proposal/price of the proposal being evaluated x 30%.

Step IV- Contract Award:
The contact shall be awarded to the applicant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
Responsive/compliant/acceptable vis-à-vis the requirements of the
Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical (70%) and financial (30%) criteria.
Individual consultants and individuals employed by a company or institution are welcome to apply.

In connection with this, any individual employed by a company or institution who would like to submit an offer in response to a Procurement Notice for IC must do so in their individual capacity (providing a CV so that their qualifications may be judged accordingly).

UNCDF is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
If you are experiencing difficulties with online job applications, please contact jobs.help@undp.org
Application Deadline : 05-May-21 (Midnight New York, USA)